Healthcare Specialists

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The story behind

What is ELANA?

The AMT-solution is based on a similar solution for the brain, the so-called ELANA-technique. The ELANA Brain Solution was brought to market by ELANA bv, a company earlier founded by members of the AMT-team.

The innovative ELANA-procedure is designed and developed in such a way, that it could be applicable both in open chest and totally endoscopic procedure setting without the need of
stopping the heart for even a moment. Our specifically designed ELANA Heart Clip and ELANA Heart Laser Catheter allow us to make this possible. 

How does it work in theory?


A donor vessel, it is attached to the specially designed connector. The connector is then placed onto the blocked vessel, connecting it to the donor vessel. After insuring there are no leakages, a special laser catheter is inserted to create the opening that connects the vessels. The opening of the vessel is closed permanently by a clamp, allowing the blood flow to bypass the blockage when the temporary clamp is released.

*The TECAB solution described in the video is our vision for minimally invasive CABG procedures. 

How does it work in practice?

Discover ELANA

Now that you know how it works in theory, let’s have a look at how the ELANA-technique worked in our pre-clinical trial.

“Connectors are very helpful to perform an anastomosis in a very tiny challenging environment which you face in a Totally Endoscopic Coronary Artery Bypass (TECAB) surgery. The development of connectors will bring the TECAB up to another level”

Prof. Stephan Jacobs

Cardiothoracic Surgery at the German Heart Center/Charité
Berlin, Germany